
We Leave Next Week....

To tell you that I am excited for our trip is an understatement. Our trip to Kenya is all I think about these days! I am really looking forward to seeing what God has in store for our group. To be able to serve these children in Kenya will be a life changing experience for me. I cannot imagine the impact these young lives will have on me and my outlook on life and how I see and love God. I know with all my heart that God put this group together for a reason. He single handedly picked each one of us and placed us together to experience this journey. A journey across the world but also a journey with Him and each other. Selfishly, I am so looking forward to this trip because I am craving a closeness with Him. In my every day life, I often feel so distant from Him and I long for moments of complete silenece where all I can hear is His voice. 10 more days to go and counting....

Love to all,


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