
19 days and counting.

There are only 19 days before we leave for Kenya!!! Our team is divided into three groups that will be involved in a Children's Camp with 150+ children: Arts & Crafts, Sports, and Curriculum! We have such a talented, creative, hard-working team and are eagar to get there and love on these kids :) 

My heart is so excited to see how the Lord uses us to teach the children of Kenya about the Lord's love. I know that I will come back a different person and I'm so ready for it. Please join us in praying for our team and the children we will be impacted by. Pray that the Lord gives each of us PATIENCE and FLEXIBILITY during uncertain times of the trip. Most of all, pray that we open our hearts and minds to something we've never done or seen before. 

1 9  D A Y S!!

-jessica hardy

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