
A nudge from the Lord

I can't believe this trip is 2 days away, a trip that has been a lifetime in the making. . .

A year and a half ago at the beginning of 2010, I felt a nudge from the Lord that I should go and serve him in another part of the world . . . life intervened and I was busy at with a job that I didn't belong at, in a relationship that pulled me away from my heavenly ties, in a place where I didn't feel at home.

Fast forward to a year later at 4:30 AM I was on my way to the airport, to hop on a plane and head to Vail, CO for NYE, to bring in the 2011 year. As I jumped into the cab, still half asleep, something inside of me said, "Talk to the driver, you have a 20 minute drive ahead, and you may as well entertain yourself with some conversation." As I carried on a conversation with my cab driver, I discovered he was from Kenya. He had grown up in a hut in Africa, and while swimming in the summer, had to worry about crocodiles, and while sleeping at night, had to sleep with one eye open, hoping there was enough life stock in the village, so the Lions wouldn't come into the huts. He had left such an impression on me that when I met up with the others on my trip, I told them about my conversation with the cab driver. Something inside of me said "This means something, Kelly. What are you going to do about it?"

A couple of weeks went by and I was listening to the Sunday sermon at Buckhead Church, when Andy reminded us that the GlobalX deadlines were quickly approaching and applications had to be in by the end of January. Once again, a voice "You need to go and serve and spread my light in another part of the world." Finally, I realized this isn't just any old voice in my head, this is something the Lord is asking me to do. I went on the website and scrolled the page to see if there happened to be a trip to Kenya, and about halfway down, low and behold, there was a trip.

And now here I am 2 days away from leaving. . . I have moments where I think I am totally out of my mind, for going so far away, and moments where I am so excited about what God will use me and my team for in Ngaamba. Through all of this, I can feel the confidence the Lord has placed within me to complete this trip and to spend 9 days of doing nothing but listening to him, without the distractions of the modern world, with a team of some of the most amazing Christians I've ever met. I feel so blessed that God is sending me on this mission, and can't wait to see what it will do for the children of Ngaamba, and for my relationship with Christ and the Lord as I continue to let God take over my life.

Let's do this. . . .

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