
Wamuseo (hello)

...from Ngaamba, Kenya!

We made it safe and sound on Friday, but have been unable to get internet until tonight.

Things are going really well and surprisingly very smoothly!

Today was the first day of our kid's camp and it was incredible. The kids seem to be having a wonderful time.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful I know that full well." Psalm 139:14

Image hearing 100 children shouting that in English...while in Ngaamba, Kenya.

It is a sweet, sweet thing.

Our God is so big and present in Ngaamba!

We are so excited to see what He has in store for the next few days!

Thank you so much for your continued prayers! They have been evident in this trip!

Asante Sana (Thank you!)


  1. Yay!! So glad to get an update. Been praying and checking the blog. I am a friend of Jessica's. Praying the rest of your trip is amazing and a blessing. Praying new believer's emerge from your camp. God bless you each for your service to the children in Ngaamba!

  2. So happy to hear about the great things happening in Kenya right now!!
