
19 days and counting.

There are only 19 days before we leave for Kenya!!! Our team is divided into three groups that will be involved in a Children's Camp with 150+ children: Arts & Crafts, Sports, and Curriculum! We have such a talented, creative, hard-working team and are eagar to get there and love on these kids :) 

My heart is so excited to see how the Lord uses us to teach the children of Kenya about the Lord's love. I know that I will come back a different person and I'm so ready for it. Please join us in praying for our team and the children we will be impacted by. Pray that the Lord gives each of us PATIENCE and FLEXIBILITY during uncertain times of the trip. Most of all, pray that we open our hearts and minds to something we've never done or seen before. 

1 9  D A Y S!!

-jessica hardy


Meet Our Team

We are so excited about leaving for Kenya in less than 30 days. Our team has been working hard to get ready for over 100 children! We are excited and ready to meet them!


Because He So Loved...

Hi! My name is Cory Jones, and I'm exceptionally grateful and humbled to have been asked to join this team of wonderful God-loving people...on an adventure to Ngammba, KENYA! I am sure God has been planning our mission long before we knew, and I am so thankful for the opportunity.

Personally, this is the first mission trip I have joined so I am full of tons of expectations and loads of anticipation. For the first month or so after I found out I made the team, I was still in shock I think! I'd applied around the holidays last year after having a strong desire to do something to show God how much I love Him back. God has shown me in the past year how BIG He is, and how He Means It when He says to the entire World "I love you SO Much...I sent my one and only Son to save you, so that you can spend eternity with Me." {John 3:16 paraphrased}

So that is where my heart is in going on this trip... desiring to do BIG things for God... or even little things like loving on sweet children :) This trip involves working in a kids bible camp, playing and creating games and activities. Our virtue is INDIVIDUALITY. I love that our virtue is to teach children how special and unique God made them. I love that our team is built of individuals who are each bringing unique talents and character to our team. It is just an awesome feeling knowing that God loves us so much, that He has blessed and allowed us to be who we are, where we are, just as we are. And even greater than that...we have each other to lean on!

To my team, John and Julie, Calley and Josh, Emily, Betsy, Hannah, Lynda, Kelly, Jessica, Caroline, Neal, Jenny and Nicole... God has given us an experience we will likely never forget, and be changed by forever. I want you all to know I will be there to encourage you when you need it, and here is my prayer as we head to Kenya...

"The LORD will guide you always;
   he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
   and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
   like a spring whose waters never fail." Isaiah 58:11

To our followers, stay tuned for more updates... :)
